"The aim of our mission is to analyze the physical and chemical properties of metals found on the Moon using a Massbauer spectrometer. Areas in which these substances are found and can be collected will be detected with heat sensors and an alpha particle x-ray spectrometer (AMXS). They will then be dug into by a rotary-percussive drill as well as a rock abrasion tool so samples can be collected and tested. If the properties of these metals are similar enough to those on Earth to be of worth or are useful in any other way's we can begin planning more missions to collect more samples. Based on our findings, we can decide on the best course of action regarding mapping out the deposits on the Moon. If we find something that has an immediate use, we can begin further investigation into how to recover more of it. This could open up a number of employment options for generations to come, providing safer and more sustainable ways to gather precious resources. Even if we find nothing of worth, it may still be sensible (albeit not as prioritized) to find out where metal deposits are, in case we find uses for them in the future."