"This robot is called “Seatch-2448”. It’s called this because it acts as if it were a spider and her babies. There is the main body of the robot (we can call this the mother-bot) and the four little rovers that it dispurses out on the surface of the moon.
Parts of the Robot:
Search-2448 is a robot that will function outside of the Lunar Gateway. It will also work on the surface of the moon so it contains wheels. The main robot has 2 main sensors, the SDS (Space Debris Sensors) and the proximity sensor. The SDS can tell the robot if there is incoming debris and the proximity sensor lets the robot be aware of its surroundings. The main body also contains solar panels since this robot is solar powered and charging ports for the little rovers. The rovers also have 2 main sensors, transmissive type IR and SDS. The Transmissive type IR is a type of motion sensor that gives the robot an alarm when something is off. These rovers also have wheels and a camera to send pictures to the space crew back on Earth.
How It Works:
The main robot (mother-bot) opens a door on the side of it so that the little rovers can get out and explore. The rovers detach themselves from the charging ports inside the mother-bot when they are fully charged. The rovers then explore 10 kilometres squared of the surrounding area to find materials and to just explore the surface of the moon. The rovers then collect different materials and take pictures of the areas they’ve explored and go back into the mother-bot. They store them in this big storage area inside the mother-bot. They then repeat this process for about 6 months in hopes to find farming patterns for different materials on the moon or just to explore and find new things on the moon."