

The micro:bit is a small, programmable computer that primes students to explore the rich potential of physical computing. It can be programmed using either block-based or text-based code. It’s an interactive learning tool that can be used across many subjects.

Micro:bit — Exploring Sensors

Microbit illustration


In this workshop, participants will deepen their understanding of programming, data, technology and design while exploring two micro:bit sensors and radio to find practical solutions to a practical problem - protecting a backpack.

Micro:bit — Introduction

Microbit illustration


This workshop reviews the concept of an algorithm and emphasizes the importance of clear, logical coding instructions.

Micro:bit Arcade: Escape Room

Microbit illustration


Get a high score in micro:bit Escape Room! Just download the code onto your micro:bit and start playing.

Tips and tricks to easily code with micro:bit (Video)

Microbit on a blue background.


In this episode of KCJ presents, we walk you through 3 tips and tricks to make coding with the micro:bit a breeze! We’ll show you how to update your micro:bit, how to pair it to easily transfer projects from your computer, and how to share your projects with friends.

How to play basketball with micro:bits (Video)

Microbits on a pink background.


In this episode of KCJ Presents, we show you how to program your micro:bit to pass an LED basketball from one micro:bit to another. How many players can you add to your basketball team? How far can you throw the ball?

How to make music with micro:bits (Video)

Clipped Microbit on a blue background.


In this episode of KCJ Presents, we show you how to program your micro:bit to play any song you like. Once you’ve mastered that, you can add multiple melodies or even create a whole micro:bit orchestra with friends- the sky’s the limit!

How to measure wind & water with micro:bits (Video)

Weather Station on green background


Micro:bits can be used to measure all kinds of things! In this episode of KCJ Presents, we show you how to build a microbit weather station to measure wind force and water levels. Using just a few easy-to-find items, you’ll be able to start using your DIY micro:bit weather station to monitor your environment in no time!

Micro:bit Arcade: Valentine's Day

Microbit illustration


Get a high score in our Valentine's Day micro:bit arcade game! Just download the code onto your micro:bit and start playing.

Micro:bit Arcade: Pong

Microbit illustration


Get a high score in micro:bit Pong! Just download the code onto your micro:bit and start playing.

Merry micro:bits

Christmas ornament around tree branch that has snow on top of it.


Merry Micro:bits is a holiday-themed coding package that makes it simple for any educator, parent, or friend to get the kids in their community coding. Best of all, you don't need micro:bits to participate, you can also use the emulator!

Code in the Classroom - Introduction to micro:bits

Blue LED lights.


An introduction to coding through micro:bits, from two different perspectives. First, students will create animated sequences of text and pictures. Second, they will play with the LED lights using math and logic.