"We designed our robot to detect the area on the Moon. On the top of the Robot there is a satellite detector type thing that detects how the area/surface of the moon is if there are any craters. To power this detector it uses its solar panel (on the front of the robot). The batteries help the robot move, and the infrared sensors help make sure the robot does not bump into anything and break. Our robot will have infrared sensors, contact sensors, ultrasonic sensors, and cameras. Infrared sensors detect infrared radiation in its surrounding area which is a good sensor to use on our robot, because our robot can detect what objects are in the way and not bump into them. The second sensor we will be using is contact sensors. These sensors will be great for our robot because they avoid obstacles. Another sensor our robot needs to have is an ultrasonic sensor. This sensor measures the distance of the area by sending ultrasonic waves. The last sensor is obviously a camera. It will help see how big or small craters are, and see the area on mars. Actions my robot will do when it makes decisions that the AI gives it, is that it will move around its area detector (a feature of the robot that we added to detect craters and the area)."