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5 Ways to Optimize Your Code Create Teach Experience!

Lucie Luneau
April 12, 2018

Code Create Teach workshops offer free, personalized support to learn the digital skills you need to teach programming in your class. Here are 5 tips to enjoy your learning journey even more:

1. Arrive early and join us for breakfast! We provide the food and it’s yummy food, so don’t miss it! Breakfast also gives you the opportunity to mingle with other teachers from your area who are curious about technology. You can exchange tips and projects which you can try later in class.

2. Bring a fully charged laptop Feel free to bring a tablet, but know that there are large parts of the workshop you can only do with a computer. The workshop will last for a few hours, so if your computer is charged, you won’t have to deal with the hassle of plugging it in. However, power bars and outlets will be available if you need them, so don’t forget your charger!

3. Bring a friend Think of a Code Create Teach workshop as a free social activity you can enjoy with a colleague. Support each other through the learning experience, and experiment together with the material. And if no one you know is available that day, don’t worry - we’ll be there! Ask questions and share comments and observations about the day with any of our mentors. It’ll help us improve the experience for future participants.

4. Relax! The first rule about a CCT workshop is that you’re here for you. If part of the day feels like too much or isn’t in line with your pedagogical projects, feel free to grab a cup of coffee and check your emails. If you’re getting into the process but having some trouble with a detail, please raise your hand and catch one the attention of one of our mentors. They’re here to help you overcome whatever difficulties you’re experiencing, no matter how small.

5. Have fun! Our workshops feature a ton of fun unplugged activity, so bring your inner child and enjoy the experience. Be the robot and look for the ping pong ball, make colorful spirographs, write down ideas about all the crazy Scratch projects that pop into your mind! Everyone present will have the same greater goal in mind: to improve access to digital literacy for Canadian children. We’re here to exchange ideas and have fun!

We hope to see you very soon at a Code Create Teach workshop - you can read more about the activities we provide and the professional development outcomes on our Teacher Training page - or you can go on ahead to find a training to attend!